Wiki โ†’ Template / Guild Table

Bangkok Open SourceAiming to promote the open-source culture and facilitate connections between creators, developers, and civic and government organizations
Showdown SpaceHosting community tech events in the form of recreational tech contests and game shows
Web DevelopersThe guild focusing on web development and brings together developers interested in creating websites and web applications
Creative CodersCreative coders who are interested in using technology to create interactive art, multimedia experiences, and other innovative projects
Indie HackersCommunity of hackers and developers who are interested in creating and building cool things using technology
CMC GartenFriends of Thi from TUCMC.
Software EngineeringA group for software engineers who are interested in sharing their knowledge, experiences, and best practices related to software development
University Club WGa working group that maintains the circle of computer clubs in Thailand. This group brings together computer clubs from universities across Thailand and provides a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking
LongkeebCommunity for ergonomic/split keyboard enthusiasts. Explore, customize, and connect with fellow keyboard enthusiasts in Longkeeb guild. WGPart of KaoGeek working group.
CoderDojo WGSupporting and promoting CoderDojo Thailand Group, a network of free, volunteer-led, community-based programming clubs for young people
Homeschool Network WGSupporting the network of homeschooling families who are interested in incorporating technology and computer science education into their curriculum WGDeveloping Contentsgarten-engine,, and as an open-source information sharing platform across organizations
Oknize WGDeveloping Oknize, an event organizing toolset for organizers
Book Club & Study GroupLet's read books together
MetagartenMeta-guild for organizing Creatorsgarten guilds and systems
DX Block WGRethinking Data Science Learning Approach


UPDATED 9 August 2024