Wiki Organizer Notes / bac

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What is browser automation challenge?

Browser automation challenge is a recreational contest where teams race to complete various browser automation challenges using their preferred tools and programming languages.

It aims to bring together automated testers, RPA specialists, QA engineers, students and developers interested in automation.

For more information about the format and rules, check out the event description page.

What are the goals?

While the event is structured as a contest, our goals for this event is for people to:

  • Meet up with other automation enthusiasts
  • Exchange techniques that different people use
  • Observe the masters of their crafts at work

When is the event?

The tentative date is Wednesday, November 20, 2024, in the evening.

What do we need help with?

  • Venue: We need a suitable location to host the event.
  • Design: Need help with the look and feel for the event’s graphics, such as cover posters and other PR materials.
  • Prize sponsorship: We're using a prize pool system where winners choose prizes in order of their ranking. Any number of prizes are welcome.
  • Food and beverages: We plan for this event to have a party vibe with refreshments and snacks.
  • Co-organizers: We welcome additional organizers to help plan and execute the event, to make the event the best it can be.
  • Event staff: We need volunteers to assist with event logistics on the day.
  • Have something else to contribute? We welcome contributions to help us enhance the event experience. Let’s talk!

Contact person is Thai ( dtinth), reachable via Facebook messenger: dtinth

Who is organizing this event?

This event is part of initiative which aims to give stage for people to demonstrate their expertise through recreational tech contests. We have run these events in the past:

Activity log

2024-09-07Discussed potential date ranges for the event. Consideration is to not collide with students’ final exams and new year seasons. Tentative range is in November.
2024-09-15Discussed with rayriffy and betich about potential event dates, taking into consideration travel plans and other events around that time. Plan for 2024-11-20.
2024-09-29Announced the intent to organize the event publicly at Vue Thai Conf 2024, kickstarting the organizing process.


UPDATED 28 September 2024