Wiki β†’ Organizer Notes / hacktoberfest2019

The following notes are extracted from our Invision Freehand whiteboard. At that time, our board looked like this:

We used Facebook Group, Facebook Messenger, and Freehand. Most of the contents are out-of-date, as we communicate in other channels but didn't update the board. However, it has been archived here for posterity.


We have multiple developers community group, mostly disjoint, for example:

  • Students group: YCC, YCI, NoobProgrammer
  • Professional developers:, Thai Programmer
  • Specific interest group: Katinrun (Blockchain)
  • Diversity groups: Girls Who Dev, Women Who Code Thailand

Let's put many communities in the same venue and contribute to open source together! Each community may has different objectives and interests and may come up with different activities. For example:

  • Have people find issues and submit PRs to open source projects
  • Have people team up and create an open source app.
  • Encouraging and teaching people to contributing to open source.
  • Teaching people how to contribute to open source.
  • Teaching people basic Git skills.
  • Making friends with likemind people, networking.

We are simply putting them in the same room so that we can do more together. More people to mingle. More diverse activities.

Co-organizing communities list

Notes from NoobProgrammer Thailand Community Meeting

Task board (outdated)


Open issues (outdated)

Event list

Agenda planning

Venue information

  • The workspace can hold about 100 people. There are 10 tables.
  • Event area
  • 25 monitors
    • I might want to scatter some monitors around the work/event space. The goal is to make it easy for other people to see what you’re working on.

Ways you can help

Here are some ways you can help to make this event more awesome!

  • Help us distribute tickets
    • In many free events, a lot of event tickets run out in just a few seconds after opening, and that sucks. So I'm thinking about distributing a portion of tickets through various communities, so that people who missed the chance to get a ticket from the event page can grab a ticket from the developer group they are in. Also to increase the diversity of communities.
  • Providing a short session/workshop
    • Maybe you can talk briefly about what your community/organization does, and showcase some of your open source projects that are looking for contributors.
  • Providing mentoring (in general or about some topics)
    • Helping out developers and beginners in the event with technical issues and help them create and submit their first pull request.
    • Giving a lot of encouragement!
  • Providing snacks/drinks/food
  • Help us run an after party
  • Another kind of contribution?


UPDATED 5 September 2023