LOCATION | The Jam Factory |
DATE | 5 May 2022 |
HOST | [Creatorsgarten] |
LINK | www.eventpop.me |
UPDATED | 28 June 2023 |
HISTORY | GitHub |
Renowned physicist of the 20th century, Richard Feynman, once said of a friend of his artist who said scientists make things as beautiful as flowers look lifeless. But Feynman denies the friend's allegations. Instead, he believes he can appreciate the beauty of the flower. And at the same time, he was able to perceive that flower more than what only the eye could see. He saw a smaller dimension. see cells and complex structures See the colors that flowers evolve to attract insects. Science has not compromised the beauty of a flower. but adding more
Therefore, we would like to invite everyone to come and discover this profound beauty together. Through two talk sessions of Prompt Suathim, a research fellow from the FREAK Lab and the University of British Columbia, who believes experimenting in biology is like cooking and that this science is more than just memorization. and Phoomparin Mano, a software developer trying to understand the beauty of nature that lies beneath the intricate structures and mechanisms that we can reach through mathematics and calculations.
In addition to the two talks The event also includes a Discussion Panel that invites everyone to join in on the discussion of sparking creativity and the fun of learning, unfortunately today's education should be a mechanism to promote this. At times it hinders itself.
UPDATED | 28 June 2023 |
HISTORY | GitHub |