πŸ“’ Sponsoring / Showdown Space

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring showdown.space events!

We want to acknowledge your contribution. Therefore, we request the following information:

  /** Sponsor’s name */
  name: string

  /** Banner image, size: 1200x480 */
  image: string

  /** URL to link to when clicking on banner */
  url: string

  /** Message to display below the banner */
  message: string

  /** Links to display below the banner, max 4 items */
  links: Array<{
    name: string
    url: string

How it will be displayed

We will use the information provided to give you shout-outs and appreciation for contributing to our events, such as:

  • Posting on our social media
  • Posting on our Discord server
  • Posting on the event website
  • Mentioning in the presentations or in livestream

See the following images for examples.

How it will be displayed on the website:


How it will be displayed on Discord:


How it will be displayed on Facebook:


Examples from past events


UPDATED 6 August 2022