๐Ÿ“’ Join

Creatorsgarten is a loosely connected community of creators. We don't have a formal membership process nor an active online community โ€” we connect through shared interests and, of course, events! Here's how to get involved:

Join our events and connect

  • Our Facebook Page is the main channel where we announce upcoming events.
  • Check out the Thai Tech Calendar, a community-driven website listing tech events in Thailand.

Connect with us

  • During the event: Chat with organizers and attendees, sharing your interests and asking questions.
  • After the event: Join a Bingsu.js, a casual after-party where we continue discussions over food and drinks. They're a great way to connect with fellow creators in a relaxed setting.
  • Express your interest: Let organizers know if you're interested in helping out with future events. We often invite active community members to our Messenger group, where we coordinate event organization.


UPDATED 2 November 2024